Who is Stephan?
Stephan Sutter discovered Wardley Mapping on Twitter in 2018 where Simon Wardley is very active. Then read through the medum book and had a lot of discussions with collegues and students about the separation of evolutionary and disruptive innovations.
As a CTO of ti&m, he uses the Wardley maps to find common understanding about technology decisions. As member of the IT procurement conference committee in Switzerland he presented the approach for shaping public bids from Simon, and the project ti&m made for Canton of Zurich. As a teacher for innovation and technology at FFHS he uses Wardley maps as a tool.
His session during the event
Understanding and unlocking inertia in a public bids
Understanding and unlocking inertia in a public bids, find a new way between bid design upfront, agile with technology partnerships.
Based on a real scenario, we will do a collaborative session to understand the context of the administration and the bidders, and how can we unblock the procurement process to improve agile projects in the public space.
- 1.- Introduce the context (https://www.bfh.ch/de/aktuell/fachveranstaltungen/it-beschaffungskonferenz-2022/detailprogramm/#strukturieren-einer-beschaffung-mit-wardley-mapping)
- 2.- Draw the initial map
- 3.- Identify the inertias
- 4.- What can we do to overcome them
- 5.- Sharing what we actually did to overcome
- 6.- Questions and Answers
Note: Miro will be used as a tool to collaborate remotely.
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